Nicky Welton
I am Professor of Statistical and Health Economic Modelling in the department of Population Health Sciences at the University of Bristol, where I lead the Multi-Parameter Evidence Synthesis research group. I am co-director of the Guidelines Technical Support Unit for NICE, co-director for the Bristol Technology Assessment Group, and was a member of the NICE Technical Appraisals committee for 10 years. My research interests include: methods for evidence synthesis in health technology assessment, network meta-analysis, extrapolating survival curves, bias adjustment in evidence synthesis, use of evidence in economic models, and value of information analysis. I am co-author of two books: “Evidence Synthesis for Decision Making in Healthcare” and “Network Meta-Analysis for Comparative Effectiveness Research”, and have contributed chapters to several other books including “Value of Information for Healthcare Decision Making”. I have co-authored the NICE Decision Support Unit Technical Support Documents series on Evidence Synthesis.