Erik Koffijberg
I am Full Professor and chair of the department of Health Technology & Services Research (HTSR), University of Twente, The Netherlands. I hold a MSc in Technical Computer Science and obtained my PhD in the field of Health Technology Assessment (2008).
My research interests relate to the use of advanced simulation models to assess the expected impact of innovations in healthcare, with a focus on the evaluation and optimization of using novel diagnostic tests in oncology and cardiovascular disease. In this context I use patient-level simulation models to reflect patient heterogeneity, metamodeling methods to optimize target outcomes, and value of information analysis to inform decision making. In the context of early health technology assessment, I am interested in applying minimal modeling value of information approaches to support research prioritization decisions. I am currently a member of the scientific advisory board of the Dutch National Healthcare Institute (ZIN) and was a member of the committee revising the Dutch Guideline for economic evaluations in healthcare (published January 2024).